These are the golden days
Chatting to the team from Hutt City Council about Goldie's story inspired me to share a bit more about where the name and tagline came from. This feels a little bit self indulgent, but I personally love hearing the stories behind brands, so I hope you do too.
Why Goldie?
I sometimes get asked 'Why Goldie?'. From time to time people call me Goldie, assuming it must be my name. One of the first things I did when I decided to open a design store in Eastbourne was brainstorm a name. I came up with about 20 options and narrowed them down to two favourites. I created mood boards for them both (below), and reflected on them for a while.
Goldie is short for golden hour. Eastbourne is known for having the last light in Wellington and golden hour is my favourite time of day. I remember walking along Marine Parade by the beach just after I landed on it and thinking how right it felt.
The other contender, Nestled reflects our unique position between the bush and the beach. I still love it, but I couldn't go past Goldie.

These are the golden days
When I decided on a name, I knew the perfect tagline to go with it. I had a print with the phrase 'These are the golden days' on my daughter's nursery wall when she was little. A play on the nostalgic old saying 'Those were the good old days', I loved it as a reminder to try and be in the moment and enjoy the present rather than looking back one day and realising how precious that time was. Given that drive to seize the moment was one of the reasons I opened Goldie, it felt like the perfect fit.
I don't mean this in a pollyanna way—I know as well as anyone that all days are not golden. However I choose to look for the small golden moments, or glimmers, in each day. The things that make life good, even when it's tough; especially when it's tough.

Photo credits: Nick George Creative. Eastbourne Beach available to order as a print from Goldie.